1. Can you introduce NASTY SURGEONS in a brief and brutal manner?
NS: Hi! We are a death/grind band which started a year ago in Burgos (Spain) and we have recently released our first LP Exhumation Requiem through XTREEM MUSIC. We have many influences like Carcass, Exhumed, the County Medical Examiners…
2. Has the name NASTY SURGEONS as special meaning? Or maybe it was chosen because it sounded cool… Did it get any special meaning for you with the time?
NS: Well, when we began with this project, the idea was that the lyrics were about dissections and surgeries and stuff like that. To be honest, we thought that NASTY SURGEONS was a very appropriate name for these topics but it doesn’t have a special meaning for us.
3. You were signed on XTREEM Music, a label that has signed some great bands these last years like ADRAMELECH, AVULSED, RIBSPREADER etc… Did the label do a good job for your promotion, for concerts…? How did you do to get a deal with them?
NS: We can say that we are very glad with the work that XTREEM MUSIC is doing with us. It´s our first album and since we released it, we have done many interviews, there are lots of good reviews and many people got in contact with us in order to buy the album. We got in contact with XTREEM when we had just finished the recording although the final mix/master was not ready yet, and were looking for a label. They told us that they liked our stuff and we thought that it was a great chance, so we decided to sign with them.
4. How would you describe NASTY SURGEONS on stage? Which way do you feel as yours: effective songs and killers on stage or more into technical performances and a bit static during the concerts?
NS: Like we said before, the band was formed just a year ago so we’ve been working on the album since then and we haven’t played live yet. However, we are making our first live appearance at Brutologos festival this year in May, so we’ll be able to answer to your question then. We hope this gig will be the first of many others!!
5. Do you still have a daily job? Do some of you have a family and, if yes, how does that work during the tours, does your family come with you or things like that?
NS: Yes, as you will guess, it’s very hard to earn a living just playing this kind of music so we also have daily jobs (we wish to just work in our music but it’s not possible). Given that we are a new band, we’ve not been on tour yet. However, some of us have other bands and we can say that this kind of things can be matched with your daily live (job, family, etc…) just if you plan it properly.
6. If you couldn't play Death Grindcore, what would you use to express all the stress and negative energy we have to deal with? Maybe you've got some other projects, that are even not musical
NS: Well, it’s true that playing this kind of music allows you to express all the anger and frustration you can’t always express in daily live. In this sense, we even consider it a healthy thing. Nevertheless, if we couldn’t do this, we would probably find another way to express ourselves, maybe playing other styles of music (or maybe just doing some exercise hehehe) because in general, playing any kind of music is one of our favorite things in live.
7. Nowadays, Death and Grind seems to be in great health. Do you think we’re living a trend period or that the extreme scene is more organized than a few years ago? What is your opinion about other kinds of extreme styles ?
NS: Some of us have been into music world for many years. Because of that, we know that although music world has become harder and more competitive in general, extreme scene is changing quickly, many new bands are coming up with great stuff and although these styles are still underground music, more and more people are getting into them. Therefore, these styles are now more generally known than a few years ago. Also, people into this extreme scene is more loyal and they still buy music (something quiet estrange in these days).
8. Do you prefer the classical underground (printed zines, flyers) or the metal webzines?
NS: In the past it was harder to get to be known because you had to be sending letters to zines, radios, other bands it it was not easy and more expensive. Today you only need a computer and you can get whatever you want. But, to be honest, the feeling of reading printed zines, the flyers you found in every order you did to labels or bands,… that was priceless.
9. Have you got some parallel projects beside NASTY SURGEONS ?
NS: We have played in many other bands over the years, given that some of us have a lot of experience in music. Currently, we have three more projects going on in parallel with this: Mistweaver, Mass Burial and Dalle. You can listen to them on youtube, you won’t be disappointed!!
10.Your first album "Exhumation Requiem" was released recently. How do you feel about it? Anxious to read the flow of reviews and to play some gigs?
NS: As we previously said, although this is our first LP, the general feeling is that it is being well received by the media. XTREEM MUSIC is doing a great job and most reviews are great so we hope some gigs will come up soon.
11. How long did you spend to compose and record ‘’Exhumation Requiem’’? Is it about months or years? Does everything happen in the rehearsal room, or do you need to record songs and take some distance to hear what's not efficient enough?
NS: Well, to be honest, the process has been really quick. Actually, it took about two months to compose the songs. Then, once learned, we recorded drums in April and in a couple months guitars and bass were done. About one month to write the lyrics and in September we recorded vocals and then we could do the mixings and mastering.
12. The cover of the album looks quite in Old school roots... Who made this artwork? What can you say about it?
NS: The cover art work was done by Juanjo Castellano. This is not the first time we work with him since he has designed covers for other bands like Mistweaver or Mass Burial where we also play. Given that we already knew him and liked his work, we decided to entrust him the design of the band logo and the cover of the album. We are very pleased with the results.
13. What do the members of NASTY SURGEONS listen to the most lately? Which newer bands you like? And which older bands come back the more often on your playlists?
NS: Of course we like grind/death like Napalm Death, Carcass, Aborted, Suffocation,.. we also listen to local bands like Haemorrhage, Graveyard, Avulsed. When talking about older bands, we also like Old School Death, like Entombed, Bloodbath, Vomitory… and the classical vein of Maiden, Accept, Slayer is always there.
14. What are the future projects of the band? Something special to announce?
NS: The composing work of the second LP is almost finished. We hope this year we record it so it will be released next year as the latest.
15. Is there something more to say, have you got some merchandising?
Thanks for the answers.
Thanks for the answers.
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