Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Interview with ... ROTTENNESS and Jaleel

01. OZS: Recently you inked a deal with Polish label SelfMadeGod.Can you tell us how did the deal got closed?
We met Karol from SMG at Obscene Extreme 2017, and I have always loved the bands he signs to his label. A few years later when Violentopia was being written/recorded, SMG was the first label I messaged about releasing it. They rule!!
02. OZS: Mexico has always had a very potent brutal Death metal scene, with bands like Disgorge,Fecalizer, Septic Autopsy, Blood Reaping,Ravager, Light Of Dark, Deatchrush, Necrotic, Chainsaw, Herpes, Gangrena, Drowned In Blood, Human Devastation, Violate . When you were forming Rottenness in 1994 were there any regional bands that you, individually and collectively, looked up to? 
Jaleel: Back in 94, there was no regional bands or even an actual scene, nothing in the south was worth it, however, by that time, several new bands, like us were starting, but as far I remember, there was no any death grind band active. We were more influenced by the internationasl brutal death bands from that time.. early 90's until mid 2000's. We had a minimum exposure for national bands, but Cenotaph, Makina and Disgorge were the ones that give us the punch to continue the search for our sound.
03. OZS: 2000 saw the release of your first EP "Blasphemous Gore Enjoyment".Tell us something about the historical significance of this release for the band – and how you look back on those first recording sessions?
Jaleel: We were young!! We didnt have any idea about the music bussiness rather than be brutal in our music. We at that time we will still searching our identity as a band and our music. We are so proud of that EP, even that we sadly dont play any of those songs anymore. The time we decided it to spend months at the CDMX to record this and meeting many amazing bands and friends, which, helped to spread the name of the band. We were rookies and young to know how to make a cd, but those times were great due we experienced many great things. 
04. OZS: In 2001 "Inhuman Ways of Depravity" was released by Mexican label Emerald City. . It was the last record to feature vocalist Israel. Looking back at that first record deal, in what ways did it help the band grow as an international entity? Did Emerald City and promote the record enough, in your opinion?
Jaleel: Emerald city was a side label from OZ Prods, which, gave us so much promotion international and national. We didnt now the magnitud until we made our first trip to Europe in 2002, thats when we saw the gigantic promotion that the label did for both cds. Plus, by 2002, we choosed to start traveling around the world to get the chance to spread our music. Israel actually stayed with the band for a few more years, but nothing on record, he was mostly on the tours, but by 2009 he decided to step up and start a family. 
05. OZS: You self-produced and independently released EP in 2006. "Advance" introduced Jose behind the microphone. Was it released locally or was it a quickly put together recording for interested label parties?
Jaleel: It was more a demo advanced for what it was intented to be a full album, but nothing came out after that, Jose also stayed a few years with the band, for mostly the tours, and we were spending to much time in the road, so we basically recorded those songs to have something extra in the road, if I recall correctly, that was for the DISGORGE (USA Mexican Tour. Actually, I dont remember we were sending material to the labels hahaha, we were on tour many times and exposed to a few labels at shows and festivals, so we were asking them directly instead of sending demos or packages. Until the Sevared Records deal came, satan bless Barret hehe.
06. OZS: 2011 saw the release of "Die Wege der Lust" with new vocalist Silas and your first(and last) for Sevared Records. Are you satisfied with Sevared promotion of the band?
Jaleel: Sevared Records, we meet him at the CIM Fest and like I said before, we aproched to him with the offer, it took a few minutes, few tequila shots, we got the deal done. We pacted for two cds, the first one was a compilation cd and the full album. All but great thing the label did for us, we had merch everytime we had a tour overseas or locally. Silas came into the band in 2009 after Israel left the band after an european tour, so having the line up finally living in the city, making the album was easier and with our good conections, we booked a mini tour in the USA and also the studio to record under the ears of our good buddy Steve Goldberg (CEPHALIC CARNAGE)
07. OZS: Six years later you release split album with Australian band Dead Root, released as independent and later with the Czech Obscene prod. Tell us more about this split.
It was a great split, we toured Europe with D.R. and ended at OEF, so it only made sense to release it via Curby's legendary label OBSCENE PRODUCTIONS and basically have OEF as the official release party! It was a great time and an honor to work with Curby on a ROTTENNESS release.
It's just an evolution of our sound... riffs, technicality, creativity, brutality, everything. Mixing it with Rob Caldwell (Cannibal Corpse, Municipal Waste, Goatwhore) and mastering with Davide Billia (Hour of Penance) really brought the production quality up to an awesome level too.
08. OZS: Rottenness has played many shows and festivals in America. Are there any memories or stories that stand out in your recollection as especially memorable or funny? We expect you in Europe this year...
We have had so many good ones... touring with Antigama, Cognizant, Cephalic Carnage, Malignancy, Disgorge, so many beers, so many tacos....
09. OZS: What about merchandise ? Are you able to pick up a lot of new fans ?
Yes, the last few years have been amazing for Rottenness with so many new fans and opportunities. We are super stoked on how everything has been progressing, and can't wait to unleash new music on the world soon!
10. OZS: 2018 saw the 3 way split ''The Hate Divide'' with US bands Sacrificial Slaughter and Coathanger Abortion released on US label Horror Pain Gore Death Prod. Rottenness change the vox once again this time with Matthias Joyce (in band from 2015), Andres on drums, Charlie on bass and Jaleel (only original memeber?) on guitars and vox.
Jaleel: after the line up for "DIE.." I had the chance to colaborate with many good friends from the metal scene. By 2013 the band made several USA tour with session members or just for the tour, a few stayed for a few years, Nothing but amazing memories, unitl 2014 (if my brain works correctly) I had the "disgusting" time to meet Matthias (read between the lines: the gret moment at the right place and the right time) where our bands did a USA tour, from there somehow, We knew we could make the band go further in recording and touring plans. Thanks to his contacts we could gather new members trough the years, so far he is the "LONGEST MEMBER ACTIVE" in the band... now i know that horses lives many years...
11. OZS: Matt Jonson and Karl Schmidt from Gorgatron joy the band in 2018 and 2019 and together with Jorge on guitars and Jaleel and together make Rottenness new slab of brutality ''Violentopia'' (SelfMadeGod).Looking back at your past albums, in what ways do you consider this record superior?
Jaleel: Everytime the band have a new line up change, its for the good, its the intensity and passion that each member bring to the table. Without doubt, I can say that Matt is so far the best drummer the band had. For Mr. Chino and Little George, its like taking 666 steps bigger with the music. The production, the mix of every talent made the new album what it is. Without them we couldnt do it, even that actually, Ray Nevison recorded the album with us on his fast and quick time. The best for that kid in the future. Plus, finally, i think this are the best lyrics that we ever had hahahaha... im glad we are not anymore on the porno gore route and now more in a serious path but still brutal. 
12. OZS: Rottenness has played many shows and festivals in America. Are there any memories or stories that stand out in your recollection as especially memorable or funny? We expect you in Europe this year... 
Jaleel: so many, its was all about SEX, DRUGS & ROCK AND ROLL mentality, we had so many good times with bands, friends, promoters, traveling. There are so many that i cant remember any at the moment. 
13. OZS: Well, I’m running out of questions, so feel free to end this interview in any way you like. If there’s anything of importance we might have forgotten to mention or anything you’d like to add, just go ahead. Thanks a lot for your time and all the best to all of you!
Jaleel: Thanks so much for the space and time for this interview!! keep following the band at all our social media sites!! Hope to see all of you on tour soon and stay sick and brutal!!

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